Organic Farming – Definition, Features, Roles, and the Difference of Organic Farming vs. Conventional Farming



Organic farming today is a trend that is well-known and widely applied because of the benefits it brings. The abuse of chemicals in agricultural production leads to great consequences, adversely affecting the natural environment. Therefore, organic farming (or organic agriculture) is a growing method that brings a lot of value not only in terms of product quality but also in environmental friendliness. So, what is organic farming? What benefits does it bring? Let’s learn more about this method with EnvironSoil through the article below.

What is organic farming (organic agriculture)?

Organic farming is the practice of growing and caring for plants in a natural way. In other words, organic farming is a farming method that does not use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, non-organic growth substances in the agricultural production process to ensure a balanced ecosystem, food safe and nutritionally complete.

Organic agriculture is based on the principle of saying no to 5 sources of input materials including plant protection chemicals, growth stimulants, chemical fertilizers, mutated products, and human excrement. However, organic farming can use pesticides and fertilizers if they are considered natural and safe for the environment.

For organic agriculture, the most important thing is that the soil and water source must be completely clean and safe, no toxins caused by chemical fertilizers, and pesticides, and especially not contaminated with hazardous industrial waste.

Features of organic farming in agriculture

Organic farming is a safe and effective method that brings a lot of value to agriculture. Here are the features that organic farming has:

  • Protects soil quality by using organic materials and encouraging biological activity
  • Provides nutrients to plants indirectly through the use of microorganisms from the soil.
  • Nitrogen fixation in the soil through the use of legumes
  • Control of weeds and pests based on methods such as crop rotation, biodiversity, natural predators, compost, and appropriate chemical, thermodynamic and biological interventions
  • Help livestock, take care of the barn, and care about the nutrition, health, and reproduction of animals.
  • Conservation and preservation of natural habitats and wildlife

The role and benefits of organic farming for agricultural products

Agricultural products that are cultivated and cared for carefully will bring a rich and diverse food source. But if grown according to organic farming methods, it will bring a higher nutritional value, along with many other benefits. Here are the benefits that organic farming brings to food and people:

More delicious, richer flavor

Organic foods are usually fresher than other products. Their appearance may not be as shiny and attractive as chemical products, but their taste will be much better because of the natural sugar content in vegetables and fruits when grown with organic farming methods.

Provide better nutrients

As mentioned, because organic farming has a standard from nature, not contaminated with harmful chemicals, therefore, compared to conventionally grown food, organic food has higher nutritional content, safety, and quality. Organic farming brings a high source of nutrients to the soil, from which nutrients are transferred to plants and animals.

Help everyone be healthier

Organic farms, do not use chemicals in the growing process, so organic produce does not contain toxins that are harmful to health, moreover, it also helps prevent dangerous diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc.

Environmental friendliness

With commercial farms or conventional farms, during the cultivation process, the chemicals used will seep into the ground and cause toxic and severe pollution to the environment. In contrast, safe and natural organic farming will contribute to better preserving and protecting the environment.

Chemical-free and strictly controlled

Organic farming has the features of not using chemicals, growth stimulants, pesticides, or herbicides so that food will be completely safe and nutritious. Besides, before being delivered to consumers, organic food must go through a process of testing and evaluating quality. Only products that meet the standards will be marketed.

Longer product life

Naturally grown organic foods will have a more complete structure and higher cellular metabolism than conventional crops. Therefore, organic food has a longer shelf life.

Affordable price

We often think organic food will be quite expensive. But in fact, because it doesn’t have to use high-cost chemical drugs, so organic products have affordable prices. And if you can buy directly from organic farms, the price will be extremely suitable for you.

The difference between organic farming and conventional farming.

Conventional farming is a farming method that uses chemicals and pesticides to obtain the highest possible crop yield. However, using this method will affect the quality of the crop.

Chemicals seep into the soil and transform into food. Therefore, food grown with conventional farming methods may contain pesticides that are harmful to our health. The goal of conventional agriculture is to secure food availability, even if genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are involved in the production.

On the other hand, organic farming is based on natural farming methods, without the use of chemicals. Organic agriculture aims to improve soil fertility and nutrition, protect the environment, and provide humans with highly nutritious, chemical-free products.

Following are the basic differences between organic farming and conventional farming:


Organic farming Conventional farming
Soil quality Use natural fertilizers, and crop rotation to improve soil quality. Soil quality degrades over time because of the use of artificial pesticides.
Fertilizer Use only natural fertilizers such as manure, compost, etc. Use of artificial fertilizers
Nutritional quality Food contains more nutrients Loss of a significant amount of nutrients
Land system The amount of water infiltrating into the soil is 15-20% higher than in conventional farming

Reduce erosion, limit waterlogging, and provide water during the drought.

The amount of water infiltrating into the soil is less and it is easy to erode, the soil is degraded due to the mining process.
Fuel material Uses 45% less energy than conventional farming.

Higher production efficiency.

Consumes more energy for the production process.
Impact on the environment Eco-friendly organic farming Cause adverse impacts on the environment
GMOs Genetically modified organisms are not used or encouraged Genetically modified organisms are used to increase crop yields
Health Safety Crops grown by this method do not cause any damage to human and animal health Plants grown by this method can be harmful to health, leading to dangerous diseases
Farming methods Uses mixed crops, crop rotation, etc. to keep soil quality Farming methods focus only on increasing production and improving the economy
Impact on animals No adverse effects on animals Often perform antibiotic injections in livestock
Lifestyle change for farmers In a better, more positive direction Chemical agriculture is a threat to farmers’ livelihoods
Organic Farming – Definition, Features, Roles, and the Difference of Organic Farming vs. Conventional Farming
Our Staple Product
100% organic and environmentally friendly.
Our Staple Product
100% organic and environmentally friendly.

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