Garden America Radio Show - Live Podcast on April 1st, 2023

EnvironSoil™ had the terrific opportunity to be on Gardening Talk Radio Show on April 1st, 2023, with the affiliate network of BizTalkRadio.  Raj Bhatia with EnvironSoil™ was able to share his insights regarding Coconut Coir, and how it is beneficial and sustainable, versus Peat.  Click the Play button in the above Podcast hosted on SoundCloud to hear the audio, or watch the Youtube video of the broadcast by clicking on the button below.

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Hello ????

Thanks for reaching out to EnvironSoil™. I am Raj.

Are you seeking Coco Coir for any of these?

1) Gardening - Leisure

2) Soil Amendment / Peat-based Growing Medium

3) Animal Bedding / Reptile Substrate

4) Greenhouses

5) Mycology Needs (Mushroom Growing)

5) Cannabis - Growing/Cultivating

6) Other - Let's chat about it!